The Bellflower Encyclopedia
Major Character
from The Bellflower Bunnies
Bellflower 17 Pammy
Pammy seen at Love at First Sight
Species Rabbit
Also known as Pomy (Spanish version)
First appeared in Love at First Sight
Relatives Norbert (stepbrother)
Love interests Poppy

Pammy is a rabbit who appears in 2 episodes of The Bellflower Bunnies, she appears on Love at First Sight and on Moonstone. She is Poppy's girlfriend, and she is probably older than him (due to her size).

In Love at First Sight[]

In this episode, after Poppy rejects to investigate about love couples on the town for his siblings' newspaper, Poppy decides to investigate about a "mysterious thief" in the town. While interviewing the inhabitants, Poppy passes by a house, and, when checking it, Pammy first appears. After telling Pammy about the thief, she decides to help Poppy. But, when the other Bellflower siblings' plan fails, they accidentally passes by Pammy's house, and discovers Poppy and Pammy. Then Violette suggests they are in love, and probably they want to kiss each other, so the Bellflower's decide to spy them (Much to Periwinkle's concern). Meanwhile, Poppy and Pammy, while eating, they accidentally hold hands and both smile. Later on the episode, Poppy wakes up suddenly on the middle of the night after seeing a shadow in his house. He runs to Pammy's house, and after waking her up, he tells her about the shadow. Pammy promises him she will find the thief, and kisses Poppy on the forehead. The other Bellflowers were spying them and Mistletoe took a photo when Pammy kissed Poppy, but to his dismay, discovers that the camera had no roll. Soon, another night, they finally discover the thief, only for the identity of the thief revealed to be Pammy. She admits that she was stealing because her mother was sick, and after that, Pammy briefly leaves the town when Poppy was angry upon her reasons to steal. A few days after, Poppy receives a letter from Pammy, saying that she loves him and she wants to come back to Blueberry Hill someday.

In Moonstone[]

A year after the events of the previous episode, Pammy returns to see Poppy with her new stepbrother Norbert and Poppy prepares a rocket ready to fly to the moon. Although Poppy is very happy to be with Pammy again, he is somewhat uncomfortable with Norbert's presence. Violette helps him, and her good advices seems to work. But, because of Norbert, Poppy suddenly grows jealous and develops a huge hatred towards him, and when Pammy discovers Poppy's hatred and jealousness towards Norbert, she furiously breaks up with him. To show Pammy that he still loves her, Poppy decides to fly to the moon. But, when a problem with the rocket nearly got it destroyed, thankfully Papa Bramble rescues Poppy from the danger. Poppy was upset that he hasn't been at moon, but thanks to some advice from his father Bramble, he decides to make up to both Pammy and Norbert.

Later in the episode, Poppy told Pammy that he still loves her and apologizes to her for his behaviour and hatred towards Norbert and explains his reasons about his hatred and jealously towards him. And he also discovers that Pammy loves him too, but does tolerate with his attitude towards Norbert or anyone else. Pammy warns Poppy that if he offends Norbert or their family, she will reject Poppy. Then, after they both reconciliate, and end up happy to be together again, with Poppy and Pammy promising to always be together, while Poppy vows never to make the same dreadful mistake again.


  • Norbert is also Pammy's stepbrother, because her mother married his father and they live in the same house in Blueberry Hill. They're always happy together as a family.
  • Pammy also appears in Bellflower Siblings and Friends as a major character, and like the TV series, she is Poppy's love interest.

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